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Run gerrit pipeline on github PR

When to do it:

You introduce a change to github/gerrit handling code, e.g. the trigger mechanism - code that depends on Zuul or other Jenkins trigger plugins

  1. Clone Jenkins job winci-server2016-prod to some temporary tmp-devel-gerrit-check
  2. Configure tmp-devel-gerrit-check:
  3. Properties content: BRANCH_NAME={branch to test}
  4. Branches to build: {branch to test}
  5. Schedule tmp-devel-gerrit-check job manually with parameters:
  6. ZUUL_PROJECT=Juniper/contrail-controller
  7. ZUUL_BRANCH=master
  8. ZUUL_REF=None
  9. ZUUL_URL=
  10. ZUUL_UUID= (some random UUID - it will determine path on the logserver)
  11. ZUUL_CHANGE= (can be left empty)
  12. ZUUL_PATCHSET= (can be left empty)
  13. Verify that it passes
  14. (optional, recommended) Paste a link to successful build logs under your PR on github for the reviewers to verify
  15. Remove temporary tmp-devel-gerrit-check job